Here we go again...

Welp, I just decided to put these fingers on some keys, huntnpeck style of course, how I roll since I have always refused to push through the learning curve of proper typing.

I’ve been feeling the urge to do this building inside me, but I have come to realize that this old bro ain’t Meta enough to give my soul to my robot overlords yet. So I’ve been quiet on the Facetube front, sharing memes, news stories, politics, and the usual funny stuff. But nothing much from the heart.

I need to stay in touch with my real friends and don’t feel like I have been doing a great job. Maybe it’s the Oxycodone creeping through me. Don’t worry I have only taken a couple since that altercation with a pair of Stihl garden shears last Thursday (October 5th). Yea, the shears won. A deep puncture followed by torniquet-level amounts of blood, an ambulance ride, Fentanyl, Ketamine, Fasciotomy and now rest. I’ll be ok. But healing is slow. BTW three cheers for the folk at Berkeley Fire and the trauma center at Highland Hospital. These are some amazing people.

You don’t need any more details on that now do ya? Feel free to ask in the comments if I am able to turn that function on. Right now I’ve nothing better to do than poke around the old website. I’ve been using it to store galleries of my photography, some music I help make (I took a class in production), and my volunteer work with Safe Organized Spaces in Richmond, California. SOS inspires the homeless in their progress along 4 pathways of health, income, housing, and personal development (usually in that order). It’s a pretty amazing organization and I am honored to be helping while giving myself and others a better understanding of human conditions.

OK, that’s all for now, feel free to check it out. If I can get some help I hope to improve the user experience